Ok here we go,
Step 1.
Open your browser and type then Login as user.
Username: user
Password: 0SlO051O
Step 2.
Paste this to your browser then check
"telnet" and Apply.
Step 3.
Click run and type "telnet" without quote
Step 4.
Login : Firefly
Password: $P4mb1h1r4N4m4nT0!!
sncfg dset WAN_MAC XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX
sncfg dset LAN_MAC XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX
sncfg commit
sncfg reload
Step 5.
Copy your wan mac address and generate it using wimax pass gen
Download Pass Gen or WIMAX TOOL V6.5
Step 6.
Go to apply user and pass generated.
Enjoy Guys if you have a question dont forget to Join to our Community